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Give Back Tuesday

I think giving is what this whole season is supposed to be all about.


Let's spend the day giving each other a break from judging one another and ourselves.

I believe that will be a solid start.

Giving a stranger you meet a friendly hello and big smile.

Giving an extra hug to those we love.

Giving a call to someone far away whom we haven't talked to recently.

Giving that driver in front of you on the road a break.

Giving a helping hand to someone who could use it.

Perhaps giving to the bell ringer with the red bucket outside the market.

Just taking a moment to tell someone you know how much they mean to you.

Then once you have given your little gift of giving, maybe that person will appreciate your kindness and pass it on.

Share your story of GIVING with us today!!


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It was as if the universe opened up and said, this is the next step for you. Are you willing to go for it? Fortunately, 20+ years later we're still doing what we love to do, helping our wonderful customers and friends along their life journeys in whatever way that we can. Thanks to all our customers. We are very grateful for your support as well. 


1956 S 1100 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84106​

(Located in sugarhouse 

Tel: (801) 474-1144



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